click on the text to open a new page for the following links>>>

...the picture to the right is just an idea of something that can be done to 'jazz up' your tile job...the
handmade fish were 'inserted' into the floor...this picture was taken before the tile was grouted...

John Bridge - an excellent source of information and a place to get your questions answered and a place to learn; give it
a try!! (Hint!! go to the forums!!) show

Aqua Mix...the best in tile care & maintenance

Schluter Systems - tile edging and underlayment

TEC - some of the best setting materials, etc...

Infotile...a wealth of info

the Tile Man...a question and answer site

Master Wholesale...for tools!

Imagine Tile...imagine the possibilities!!!

Interceramic tile

Heated Tile Floors! publications

Tile School

Ebay...looking for a deal?!